...And then some thirty seconds later (thanks AIGA) I learn that Walter Herdeg founded Graphis, the copy I have is of the one hundredth edition, in celebration devoted to the sun, and that Herdeg started his career designing this solar symbol for St. Moritz. The internet is humbling. His love of Garamond as body text strikes a real chord for me and his concept of a 'service layout' where form follows function utterly apposite for a photo book, and I have that delightful feeling where you have stumbled unexpectedly on something that will be inspirational. But best of all is his comments on selection: "I think in recent issues there might even be some examples of Post-modernism in which I feel there was talent. But then I show them not even realizing that they are Post-modern. I leave that to others who are much more articulate than I. I am so much an 'eye' man. For me, it's all visual."